News and Gallery
- News (Year 2016)
- Archive
The 15th SIG-SLP- Date:December 19th-20th, 2013
- Place: University of Tsukuba,Tokyo Yu Odagaki,Takuya Hiraoka gave presentations.
ASRU2013- Date:December 8th-12nd, 2013
- Place:Olomouc, Czech Republic Takuya Hiraoka gave a presentation.
ASJ Kansai young researchers' meeting- Date:December 8th, 2013
- Place:AIST Kansai Kazuhiro Kobayahi, Ko Tanaka and Nozomi Jimbo gave presentations.
The following students won the awards at ASJ Kansai young researchers' meeting.
- Kazuhiro Kobayashi:The best encouragement award
- Nozomi Jinbo:The encouragement award
- Tomo Miyauchi:The manager of the branch special award
IWSLT2013- Date:December 5th-6th, 2013
- Place:Heidelberg, Germany Assistant Prof. Sakriani Sakti, Assistant Prof. Graham Neubig, Hiroaki Shimizu and Michael Heck gave a presentation.
Speech Committee- Date:November 21st-22nd, 2013
- Place:NAIST Shinnosuke Takamichi(D1), Kazuhiro Kobayashi(M2) and Ko Tanaka(M2) gave presentations.
Hiroaki Shimizu(M2), Daichi Kitamura(M2), Shunsuke Nakai(M2) won the 8th Best Student Presentation Award at Autumn ASJ 2013!
The 16th National Symposium of Selected ICT Problems- Date:November 14th-15th, 2013
- Place:Da Nang, Vietnam Prof. Nakamura gave a presentation as a guest speaker. (link)
Newspaper Articles-
The activities of our laboratory was published in newspapers.
- Article:November 2nd, 2013 Tokyo paper
- Article:November 12nd, 2013 Chunichi Shimbun
- Article:November 17th, 2013 Nara newspaper
Award!- Award:Best Paper Award for APSIPA ASC 2013 (link)
- Group:Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association
- Award winners:Ryoichi Miyazaki, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano, Satoshi Nakamura
- Award study:Toward Musical-Noise-Free Blind Speech Extraction: Concept and Its Applications
ICEID 2013- Date:October 23rd-24th, 2013
- Place:Bali, Indonesia
- Authors:Lasguido Nio, Sakriani Sakti, Graham Neubig, Tomoki Toda, Satoshi Nakamura
- Title: Combination of Example-based and SMT-based Approaches in a Chat-oriented Dialog System Lasguido gave a presentation.
Asian Conference on Education- Date:October 23rd-27th, 2013
- Location:Osaka, Japan Hiroki Tanaka gave a presentation.
Shinnosuke Takamichi(D1) won the 7th Best Student Presentation Award at Spring ASJ 2013(March 13-15, 2013) !
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF)- Date:September 23rd-26th, 2013
- Location:Valencia, Spain Assistant Prof. Graham Neubig gave a presentation.
ASJ 2013- Date:September 25th-27th, 2013
- Location:Toyohashi University of Technology(Toyohashi-shi, Aichi) Prof. Nakamura,Associate Prof. Toda ,Keigo Kubo,Shinnosuke Takamichi,Hiroaki Shimizu,Kazuhiro Kobayashi,Masahiro Mizukami,Riki yoshida,Ko Tanaka gave presentations.
SP JSAI-SLUD- Date:September 19th, 2013
- Location:Chiba University Masahiro Mizukami gave presentations.(link)
Associate Prof. Toda won the award!-
Associate Prof. Tomoki Toda won theThe EURASIP-ISCA Best Paper Award 2013 !(link)
- Group:The European Association for Signal Processing(EURASIP) and the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
- Award winners: Tomoki Toda, Alan W. Black, and Keiichi Tokuda
- Paper:Statistical mapping between articulatory movements and acoustic spectrum using a Gaussian mixture model, Speech Communication, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 215--227, Mar. 2008.
SICE Annual Conference 2013- Date:September 14th-17th
- Location:Nagoya University Associate Prof. Tomoki Toda gave presentations.
8th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop(SSW8)- Date: August 31st- September 2nd, 2013
- Location: Barcelona,Spain
INTERSPEECH2013- Date: August 25th-29th, 2013
- Location: Lyon,France
Shinnosuke Takamichi was elected NAIST's Student of the year 2013.
SIG-NL- Date: July 19th-20th, 2013
- Location:Future University Hakodate (Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido)
Neuro2013- Date: June 20th-23rd, 2013
- Location:Kyoto International Conference Center (Kyoto-shi, Kyoto)
Assisstant Prof. Graham won the award!-
Assisstant Prof. Graham Neubig won the IPSJ Best Paper Award!(link)
- Award winners: Graham Neubig, Taro Watanabe, Eiichiro Sumita, Shinsuke Mori, Tatsuya Kawahara
- Award Paper:Joint Phrase Alignment and Extraction for Statistical Machine Translation
Associate Prof. Toda won the award!-
Associate Prof. Tomoki Toda won the IPSJ Kiyasu Special Industrial Achievement Award!(link)
- Award winners: Keiichi Tokuda,Tomoki Toda, Heiga Zen, Junichi Yamagishi, Keiichiro Oura
Meeting of Speech Comitee (SP)- Date: June 13rd-14th, 2013
- Location:Niigata University Batellite Campus "Tokimate" (Niigata-shi, Niigata)
JSAI 2013- Date: June 4th-7th, 2013
- Location:Toyama International Conference Center (Toyama-shi, Toyama)
Open Campus (May)- Date: May 18th, 2013 Thank you that many people visited our faculty and lab!
The 99th Sigmus- Date: May 11st-12nd, 2013
- Location: Ochanomizu University (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
Associate Prof. Saruwatari won the award!-
Associate Prof. Hiroshi Saruwatari won the award!
- Award : The 45th Ichimura Academic Award, Achivement Award
- Group : The New Technology Development Foundation
NLP 2013- Date: March 13th-15th, 2013
- Location: Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus (Nagoya-shi, Aichi) Masaya Ogushi gave a presentation.
Spring ASJ 2013- Date: March 13th-15th, 2013
- Location: Tokyo University of Technlogy Hachioji Campus (Hachioji-shi, Tokyo)
Spring Seminar & Open Campus (March)- Date: March 7th-9th, 2013 Thank you for visiting us!
WiSSAP2013- Date: Feb.22nd-25th, 2013
- Location: IIT Madras, Chennai, India
- Title: Voice Conversion
Associate prof. Toda gave a lecture on winter school.
- Location: IIIT Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
- Title: Vocal tract transfer function estimation using factor analyzed trajectory hidden Markov model
Visitor- Feb. 18, 2013
Visitor- Feb. 4, 2013 Dr. Yu Tsao, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, visited our lab and gave a talk about his research.
IEICE: Meeting of Speech Comitee (SP)- Date: Jan. 30th-31st, 2013
- Location: Doshisha University: Kyotanabe Campus (Kyotanabe-shi, Kyoto)
ALAGIN 3rd Natural Language Processing Section Seminar- Date: 1/17-18, 2013
- Location: SCAT (Support Center for Advanced Telecomunications technology research, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
- Title: "Machine Translation"
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