The 94th research meeting of SIG-SLP
- Date: Dec.20th-21st, 2012
- Location: Tokyo Institute of Technology (Meguro-ku, Tokyo)
Takuya Hiraoka and Yuki Yamauchi (above M2) gave presentations.
Workshop on Frontiers in Speech and Language Technologies and
Their Applications
- Dec. 11th-12th, 2012
- Location: Hefei, China
- title"Statistical voice conversion and its real-time applications"
Associate Prof. Tomoki Toda gave an invited presentation.
Oriental COCOSDA 2012
- Dec. 9th-12th, 2012
- Location: Macau, China
Auliya Sani(intern student, Jun-Aug 2012) gave a presentaion, and won the Best Student Paper Award!
The 8th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language
Processing (ISCSLP)
- Dec. 5th-8th, 2012
- Location: Hong Kong, China
- title"Statistical approach to voice conversion and its applications
for augmented human communication"
Associate Prof. Tomoki Toda gave a tutorial.
IWSLT (the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation) 2012
- Date: Dec. 6th-7th, 2012
- Location: HongKong, China
Assisstant Prof. Graham Neubig, Keigo Kubo(D2), Takatomo Kano(M2), and Hiroaki Shimizu(M1) gave presentations.
- Date: Dec.3rd-6th, 2012
- Location: Hollywood, USA
Hironori Doi(D3) gave a presentation, and won the Best Paper Award!
CogInfoCom 2012 (3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications)
- Date: Dec. 2nd-5th, 2012
- Location: Kosice, Slovakia
Hiroki Tanaka (D1) gave a presentation.
ACNS(Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society) 2012
- Date:Nov. 29th - Dec. 2nd, 2012
- Location:Brisbane, Australia
Yu Odagaki(M2) gave a presentation[Abstract]
IWSDS(International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue System) 2012
- Date: Nov. 28th-30th, 2012
- Location: Ermenonville, France
Lasguido(intern students, Jun-Aug 2012) gave a presentation. [Poster]
Autumn Open Campus
Thank you for coming all the way!
IEICE: Meeting of Speech Comitee (SP)
- Date: Nov. 8th-9th
- Location: Tohoku Institute of Technology (Sendai-shi, Miyagi)
Tatsuo Inukai, Takuto Moriguchi, and Shinnosuke Takamichi (above MC2) gave presentations.
Visit (from Sendai National College of Technology)
The students of Sendai National College of Technology visit our lab.
Tutorial on HMM-based statistical speech synthesis in Workshop at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Date: Oct. 25th-26th, 2012
- Location: Shanghai, China
Asscociate Prof. Toda gave a tutorial presentation.
ICSP(International Conference on Signal Processing) 2012
- Date: Oct. 21st-25th, 2012
- Location: Beijing, China
Asscociate Prof. Toda gave a special invited presentation.
Innovation Japan 2012
- Date: Sep. 27th-28th, 2012
- Location: Tokyo International Forum (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Asscociate Prof. Toda gave a display presentation.
(The then Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Hirano has also visited.)

Prof. Chan Lee Mun, President of Singapore Nanyan Polytechnic, Prof. Thambyrajah T, and Dr. Kenji Taniguchi, President of Nara National College
of Technology visited our lab.

The Autumn Annual Meeting of Acoustical Society of Japan
- Date: September 19th-21st, 2012
- Location: Shinshu University Nagano Campus (Nagano-shi, Nagano)
Shinnosuke Takamichi, Takuto Moriguchi, Tatsuo Inukai, Takuya Hiraoka, Yuki Yamauchi, Takatomo Kano, and Hironori Doi gave presentations.
The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
- Date: September 18th-21st, 2012
- Location: Nagoya Congress Center (Nagoya-shi, Aichi)
Yu Odagaki (M2) gave a poster presentation.
Handout and Poster(PDF file)
- Date: September 10th-13th, 2012
- Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
Associate Prof. Tomoki Toda, Keigo Kubo (D2), Shinnosuke Takamichi (M2) gave presentations.

New Technology Presentation Meeting
- Date: September 7th, 2012
- Location: Campus Innovation Center Tokyo (Minato-ku, Tokyo)
- Presentaion Title: Speech Enhancement Techniques for Silent Speech Communication
Associate Prof. Tomoki Toda gave a presentation.
NARASIA SCHOOL students visited our lab.
We provided our research demo on speech translation and speech synthesis.

Dr. Ntsika Msimang and Mr. Fulufhelo Vincent Nelwamondo, CSIR, South Africa as well as Mr. Cecil B. Masoka, Minister-Counsellor, Science and Technology, and Mr. Daisuke Tanaka, Information Liasion Officer, Science and Technology,
South African Embassy in Japan, visited our lab.
*South Africa CSIR:

Prof. Masato Akagi, School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and President of the Acoustical Society of Japan as
well as Prof. Tetsuo Asano, Dean of School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology visited our lab.

The 92nd SIG-SLP Conference (SIG-SLP)
- Date: July 19th-21st, 2012
- Location: Tendo-onsen Taki-no-yu(Tendo-shi, Yamagata)
Shinnosuke Takamichi (M2) joined the SIG-SLP conference.
Dr. Yamagishi and Dr. Oliver Watts, Edinburgh University, visited our
We provided our research demo and Dr. Watts provided a talk on his research.
★See Also HERE
(Mainichi News Paper/Japanese Page)
US Air Force cadets visited our lab. Toda-sensei and Graham-sensei presented
a brief introduction on speech translation and voice conversion technology.
Prof. Nakamura received the Antonio Zampolli Prize at LREC 2012!
★See Also HERE (NAIST's Website/Japanese Page)
2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
- Date: March 25-30th, 2012
- Location: Kyoto
Prof. Nakamura and Associate Prof. Toda has been working as the organizing comittee of ICASSP 2012!
Micheal Heck Presentation
Toshiba Recruitments
Tachibana-san and Ohtani-san, NAIST graduates who work for Toshiba,
visited our lab for recruiting NAIST students.